After being an Iron Viz judge for the 4th time (including Student Iron Viz Judge), it was as always great fun to go through a lot of this years submissions as well (191 in total, I got 15 assigned to me). Of these 15, my # 1 – also became one of the 3 finalists, that are going to be competing on stage at Tableau Conference in San Diego in April.
👏Rising from the Tank: The Journey to Success on Shark Tank (by Ryan Soares)
🏆I didn’t get to judge any of the other top 10, but they are worthy submissions as well! See the full top list 10 here.
✨You can also watch the live stream of the top 10 announcement, where three of the judges this year shared our experience for the participation (Preethi Lodha, Celia Fryer and me).
🔔Please pay attention to Andy Cotgreave’s introduction of me at 15:31 – where he mixes me up with the excellent Peter Jönsson (another one of the #baldmenindata). You owe me some free drinks Andy! 🍹
🎉All 191 entries can be found here!
👏Finally, a shout out to the other 2 vizzes on my top 3 (that unfortunately didn’t make the overall top 10):
➡️ Symphony for the Ages by Jane Kamata
➡️ 24 Data Exploration by Stuart Mack
There is always next year for those who didn’t make it top 10, but just by entering, you’re all winners!
What is Iron Viz?
Since 2011, Tableau has brought the world’s premier data visualization competition, Iron Viz, to Tableau Conference each year. The competition culminates in a thrilling 20-minute showdown where three finalists, using the same data set, craft their most compelling stories live on stage. The journey to the championship begins with a qualifier round, with all stages judged by the same set of criteria.(More on that below.) This event is unlike any other, celebrating data skills, data storytelling, and the power of the Tableau Community.
#TC25 #IronViz #DataFam